France: Royal Officials and their Pay

Offices of the French government.

There was no Prime Minister or other chief official under the king. All the senior officials listed below reported directly to the king.

(Numbers indicate relative rank)

1. Chancellier, runs government, under whom are

         2. Grand Chamberlain: justice , finance, weights, & measures

         3. Bouteiller: ceremonies, judgements of nobility, royal table and wine cellars

         4. Chambrier: runs Paris, under whom is

                  5. Grand Pannetier: supervises city bakeries and the like

                  6. Grand Veneur, royal game warden

                  7. Grand Maitre de Eaux et Forests: superivises water and forests

         8. Senechal: supervises royal household, under whom are

                  9. Grand Maitre de l'Hostel et de la Maison du Roi:Royal steward, oversees

                           10. Grand Ecuyer: royal stables, itinery, couriers

                           11. Grand Falconer: master of the hunt, royal hunting lodges

                           12. Grand Queux: royal cook

                  Senechaux and Baillis of crown properties.

Connetable: runs the armed forces, under whom are

         Amiral de France: runs the fleet

         Marcheaux de France [two]: run the army

                  Lieutenant General: occasional appointment, when King wishes to have

                  someone run the army in a particular region.

         Port Oriflamme: carries royal banner in battle

         Grand Maitre de Arbalestries: supervises archers, later spins off

         Grand Maitre de l'Artillerie, in c. 1360

In France you can also appoint a Lieutenant General of the Realm, who is a sort of vice-roy, overseeing all Royal business in a particular region, directly under the King. Lots of good graft here, except for Oriflamme, which, however, had tremendous prestige, for what that's worth.
