The Language Codes

The language codes found in the game represent only the major dialects one would find in each area. There were many more dialects, some mutually incomprehensible with others found only a few score miles distant..

B1 Basque: there are actually seven varieties

C Celtic Group

C1 Scottish

C2 Welsh

C3 Breton

C4 Irish

C5 Cornish

C6 Manx

D Dutch Group

D1 Dutch

D2 Flemish

E English Group

E1 North Country

E2 Southern

E3 Anglo-Scots

F French Group

F1 Langue d'Oil: we could go further

F2 Burgundian

F3 Langue d'Oc: we could go further

F4 Bearnese

F5 Gascon

G German Group

G1 Rhenish

G2 Swabian

G3 Swiss

H Hispanic Group

H1 Catalan

H2 Aragonese

H3 Castillian

I Italian Group

I1 Piedmontese

I2 Ligurian

I3 Milanese

I4 Venetian

I5 Tuscan

I6 Central Italian

I7 Neapolitan

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