A squire was either a knight in training or a talented commoner working his way up to the position of "commoner knight" or sergeant . Basically, these were teenagers --15 or more years of age-- who assisted a knight by taking care of his horses and arms before a battle and riding into combat with their master when there was a fight. Squires had a second hand set of armor and a nondescript horse. In combat, they were supposed to watch their master's back, stay out of trouble, learn as much as they could and try to stay alive. This last task was important, for after the battle it was the squires who took care of the horses and arms. For nobles, the route to squire was through service as a page . Commoners occasionally became squires as a reward for oustanding service. After a few years as a squire the lad would be dubbed a proper knight , or, if a commoner, promoted to serjeant. This usually occurred on the eve of some great battle, or as a reward for heroic service.