
Starting Population     3,498                   % of Worldwide          11.3%                   
Population Starting Income 56,963 % of Worldwide 8.9%
Income Starting GDP 926,555 % of Worldwide GDP 15.0% Starting Surplus 5,203 % of Worldwide 15.9%

Comments: England comprises the greater portion of the island of Britain. Originally inhabited by fierce Celtic warriors, Britain was incorporated into the Roman Empire in the 1st century A.D. and was for a time a very prosperous province. With the fall of Rome the island was overrun by the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes in the sixth century, who virtually extirpated civilization and Christianity. From this emerged a plethora of petty kingdoms which, despite the onslaught of the Norse Vikings, were gradually re-civilized and re-Christianized.

By the 10th century they were united as England (i.e., 'Angle-land'). In 1066 the kingdom was subject to a hostile take-over by Duke William of Normandy, who imposed a strongly centralized feudal regime. His descendants continue on the throne to this day. The king is bound by a written charter, the Magna Carta (1215).

Unlike many other kingdoms, notably France, there is but one Parliament. Although a small place, and sparsely populated, England has a number of unusual characteristics. There are surprisingly few noble families in England, about 50 total, out of a population of a million or so souls, which forces the king to rely upon commoners for many duties. The king is one of only two anointed monarchs in Europe (the other being that of France).

There are two Archbishoprics, at Canterbury and York , and two universities, at Oxford and Cambridge . The kingdom is prosperous, having a mixed economy, with shipping, banking, and manufacturing as well as agriculture.
