Lempdes FAU 01
Province: Auvergne
Owners Title: Sire
% of Worldwide 0.0% Starting Population 12
Population % of Worldwide 0.0% Starting Income 190
Income % of Worldwide GDP 0.1% Starting GDP 4,458 % of Worldwide 0.1% Starting Surplus 17
Language: F3
Kingdom: France
Starting Owner: de Clermont (144)
Starting Overlord : de Clermont (144)
Regional Location: Western Marseilles
Comments: Clermont is the capital and chief town of the Auvergne , seat of the counts and of a Bishop. In ancient times a Roman city, it has many fine buildings, including the cathedral, from which in 1095 Pope Urban II issued his call for the First Crusade. There is some commerce in the town, mostly related to trade in agricultural produce.