Nimes FNI 09
Owners Title: Seigneur
% of Worldwide 0.1% Starting Population 43
Population % of Worldwide 0.1% Starting Income 738
Income % of Worldwide GDP 0.1% Starting GDP 4,685 % of Worldwide 0.2% Starting Surplus 67
Language: F3
Kingdom: France
Starting Owner: de Valois (200)
Starting Overlord : de Valois (200)
Regional Location: Southern Marseilles
Comments: Nimes was originally a Celtic town, refounded by the Romans more than a century before Christ. It has been the center of government for the surrounding region ever since, and is also the See of a Bishop. There are many notable buildings from Roman times. The town is the site of much clothmaking, including an unusual cotton fabric becoming widely known as 'de nimes,' and some banking.