Help System Authors

The first version of the HYW documents in Windows HLP format was done as a volunteer effort by one of the HYW players, Dennis Stalzle, who at the time was working with a computer documentation outfit called DocsonDisk. We were so impressed by what Dennis had done that we bought the rights to his work and used it as the basis for the official HYW HLP format docs.

This document was completed by Jim Dunnigan, the designer of the game, with help, advice and suggestions from the games developers, staff (Heralds/Sysops) and players.

In late 1997, Jim converted the HLP docs to HTML format (using ForeHTML, it took about 20 minutes) and with the help of Kate VonMayr, produced the current HTML docs.

We value you input into how to make this system more efficient and usable. The system is complex and operates on many levels. If you have suggestions, comments, or input, feel free to contact us at JfDunnigan@AOL.COM.
