de Burgundy 53

PC ID #53

Starts with 6 fiefs

Economic Power Ranking: 18

Speaks NA

Diocese: NA

Highest Title: 11 Duc de Burgundy

Overlordships: Burgundy


This is the shield of Philip II (the Bold), Duc de Burgundy 1363

Starting fiefs:

Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        

FBY01            Chaumont-sur-    FBY02            Montigny         FBY03            Langres          
Marne FBY08 Dijon FBY11 Arnay-le-Duc FBY12 Chalons-sur-S

Notes: M. le Duc Eudes --properly Eudes IV-- holds the Duchy of Burgundy in direct descent from Otto, younger son of Eudes --Hugh-- the Great, Duc of France. When Duc Hugh died in 956, he granted the Duchy of France to his eldest son, Hugh Capet (who became King of all France in 987), and Burgundy to Otto. As a result, Duc Eudes --or Odo-- is distantly kin to King Philippe VI (200), his wife being the daughter of Philippe V. The Ducs of Burgundy have not always been known to be properly dutiful towards their sovereign overlord, the Kings of France. Withal, they are a truly noble house, wise, courageous, generous, pious.
