de Corvino 248

PC ID #248

Starts with 2 fiefs

Economic Power Ranking: 4

Speaks F3

Diocese: NA

Highest Title: 17 Sire de Badrieux

Overlordships: None

Coat of Arms: help0099.gif

This is the shield of Mary, daughter of William of Montpellier (1204)

Starting fiefs:

Fief Code               Fief Name               Fief Code               Fief Name               

FLD02                   Lodeve                  FLD03                   Badarieux

Notes: The Seigneur Simon de Covino is heir to an impoverished but noble Italian knight who took service in the Crusade against the Albigensian heretics early in the last century, winning for himself honors and lands from both Church and Crown. An able manager, the seigneur is blessed with numerous offspring.
