
1. Chancellier                              500,000                                     

2. Grand Chamberlain                        400,000                                     

3. Bouteiller                               250,000                                     

4. Chambrier                                200,000                                     

5. Grand Pannetier                          1/citizen week?                             

6. Grand Veneur                             100,000                                     

7. Grand Maitre de Eaux et Forests          100,000 & 5%/revenue                        

?  Ambassadors                              100,000                                     

?  Emissaries                               50,000                                      

8. Senechal                                 200,000 & 5%/ revenue                       

9. Grand Maitre de l'Hostel et de la        150,000                                     
Maison du Roi 10. Grand Ecuyer 100,000 11. Grand Falconer 100,000 12. Grand Queux 100,000 ? *Senechaux and Baillis of crown 5 % revenue
properties. ? Connetabale 400,000 & (B) ? Amiral de France *265,000 & (A) ? ? Marcheaux de France [two] *265,000 & (A) ? Port Oriflamme 100,000 ? Grand Maitre de Arbalestries 50,000 & (B) ? Grand Maitre de l'Artillerie 50,000 & (C) ? *Lieutenant General. 100,000 & (B)

* Indicates a firm figure

Notes: These probably apply to the English counterparts as well. Figures for GM de Arbalestriers and Lt Gen are estimates.

(A) plus 132 more per man for the first month of any campaign

(B) plus, at times, a few ducats more per man in his service for first month of any campaign.

(C) plus a lien on all bells and cannon captured
