Rule of Thumb Navigation
Here is an index to the provinces of HYW. It lists the location of the first fief in the province. You need a map of the HYW world and you need to mark it with the index numbers. The rows are labeled by single, double and triple letters from A through HHH; the columns by numbers from 1 to 38. The columns run northwest to southeast and are numbered from west to east.
Like so:
1 2 3 4 etc, to 38 A B C D E etc to HHH
The rows transition from Z to AA, and from ZZ to AAA
For example, Paris (its own province) is FPA01 at loc. HH23, and London is ELN01 at loc. V26. When you locate the province using this system, finding the particular fief in the province is easy.
Prov. Loc. Prov. Loc. Prov. Loc. Prov. Loc. ADA01 TT24 EPM01 T16 FFX01 DDD11 HBB01 Y34 AFC01 LL31 ESM01 X18 FFZ01 RR22 HHN01 AA30 ANC01 ZZ26 ESR01 W25 FGA01 YY07 HHO01 S36 APR01 YY25 EST01 P24 FGP01 EE31 HJU01 Z36 CBC00 GGG12 ESU01 S31 FGS01 DD29 HLG01 AA34 CCD00 GGG11 ESW01 S19 FGU01 TT10 HLR01 FF33 CPU00 GGG10 ESX01 Y25 FLD01 BBB17 HLX01 DD34 CUR00 GGG9 ESY01 V21 FLI01 TT16 HZE01 V32 EAR01 Q23 EWK01 S24 FLM01 RR18 IAS01 VV29 EBK01 U26 EYS01 J30 FLY01 RR24 IFL00 ZZ30 ECG01 R27 FAC01 AAA10 FMA01 OO24 IGA00 YY29 ECH01 O25 FAE01 DD23 FMF01 II23 ILA00 WW31 ECU01 H27 FAG01 XX12 FMR01 HH16 IMN01 SS30 ECW01 Z13 FAJ01 JJ16 FNA01 DDD14 IPM01 UU28 EDR01 O26 FAL01 II18 FND01 EE22 ISV01 QQ30 EDT01 Y20 FAM01 SS14 FNE01 LL26 ISZ01 WW26 EDU01 H29 FAU01 VV18 FNI01 XX18 IVE00 YY33 EDV01 Y15 FAX01 JJ24 FOR01 JJ23 IVR00 XX32 EEX01 U29 FBA01 HH30 FPA01 HH23 LOO00 GGG1 EGE01 FF13 FBG01 DDD09 FPC01 CC27 MML01 EEE18 EGL01 U22 FBI01 JJ27 FPG01 UU13 MRS01 FFF13 EHE01 S21 FBL01 LL19 FPN01 BB26 NNV01 CCC5 EKE01 W26 FBN01 BBB07 FPO01 OO15 PAV01 YY23 ELA01 J25 FBO01 NN23 FQU01 WW15 PPS00 BBB30 ELC01 O30 FBR01 II11 FRO01 XX16 RCO00 K19 ELN01 V26 FBU01 NN22 FSA01 RR11 RLI00 M19 EMH01 X23 FBY01 JJ28 FTH01 OO13 RMU00 M17 EMN01 K23 FCA01 HH29 FTL01 AAA14 RUL00 K21 ENF01 Q31 FCE01 FF24 FTS01 MM17 SHI00 B27 ENH01 R26 FCO01 BBB11 FVA01 FF26 SLO00 D27 ENO01 O27 FCR01 JJ20 FVE01 EE27 SMA00 F27 ENU01 E30 FCT01 TT18 FVN01 KK17 ENW01 O19 FEV01 HH21 FVV01 VV22 EOX01 U24 FFL01 Y30 GOO00 DDD30