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A Wargame Test Drive : Turn 2: German Movement Phase

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Turn Two: German Movement Phase

The German player, not unmindful of the threat the American push in the north and the south is posing, rearranges his units to deal with the situation. The 1125th German regiment in 0704 moves down the road, through 0804, 0705 and into 0605. The German Unterfuhrer regiment is now pulled out into reserve, moving into hex 0506 and then to 0605 and 0604. There it must stop, since it has only four movement points, and it took two points to get into 0506 (because it was not entering the hex on a road, it was not able to take advantage of road movement). The Germans get one reinforcement unit this turn, the 106th Panzer brigade. Before this unit can be moved down into the city of Metz, the Metz garrison must be moved out. This unit is moved into hex 0708. The 106th Panzer brigade then enters the map on hex 0801, goes into 0802, 0803, 0904, 0905, 0906, 0907, and finally into Metz itself in 0807. Meanwhile, on the Moselle, the 29th Panzergrenadier regiment in 0611 is moved north one hex into 0610. That makes it impossible for the American combat command B in 0510 to move across the river. The Americans will now be forced to fight, and fight hard, to make any more progress across the Moselle.

Turn Two: German Combat Phase

The Germans make no attacks this turn, and again there is no advantage in their doing so.

  Wargame Test Drive : Turn 2: U.S. Combat Phase

  Wargame Test Drive : Conclusion

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 Contents