Narbonne FNA 01
Province: Narbonne
Owners Title: Seigneur
% of Worldwide 0.2% Starting Population 60
Population % of Worldwide 0.2% Starting Income 1,016
Income % of Worldwide GDP 0.1% Starting GDP 7,037 % of Worldwide 0.3% Starting Surplus 92
Language: F3
Kingdom: France
Starting Owner: de Foix (124)
Starting Overlord : de Sigean (31)
Regional Location: Far South Marseilles
Comments: Narbonne was founded by the Romans in 118 B.C., and was and remains the principal city of its region, despite centuries of war and occupation by Visigoth, Saracen, Frank, and occasionally Catalan. For a time rule of the city was divided between the Counts of Toulouse and the Archbishops (the See dates from the 4th century). The town is an important center of industry, with clothmaking and shipbuilding prominent.