Man EMN01
Starting Population 7 % of Worldwide 0.0%
Population Starting Income 111 % of Worldwide 0.0%
Income Starting GDP 5,124 % of Worldwide GDP 0.1% Starting Surplus 10 % of Worldwide 0.0%
Surplus 1 fief province:Isle_of_.htm Overlord: Douglas (282)
Isle of Man
Kingdom: England
The Isle of Man is a small place in the northern part of the Irish Sea, roughly equidistant from England, to the east, Scotland to the north, and Ireland, to the west. Known to the Romans as Monavia, it was settled by Romano-Britons in the 5th century, fleeing the catastrophes of the Barbarian invasions.
Brought under Norse control during the ninth century, it was a long time part of the Norse Earldom of the Isles, until sold to Scotland in 1266. Although now subject to the Crown of England, the Lord of Man , ranks as a king in his domain, within which he shares ruling authority with the Tynwald, a locally elected parliament. Subject to the ecclesiastical authority of the Archbishop of York , Man is directly under the aegis of the Bishop of Carlisle. The island is poor, and thinly populated, by a rude people speaking an uncouth tongue called Manx.