de Mallorca 110

PC ID #110

Starts with 7 fiefs

Economic Power Ranking: 22

Speaks NA

Diocese: NA

Highest Title: 03 Rey de Mallorca

Overlordships: Mallorca , Rosellon

Coat of Arms: help0012.gif

This is the shield of Jaime III de Mallorca

Starting fiefs:

Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        

FLD01            Montpelier       MML01            Menorca          MML02            Inca             

MML03            Palma            MML04            Ibiza            MRS01            Perpignan        

                                  MRS02            Axat                              

Notes: Don Jaime III, the young King of Mallorca, is able, handsome, and ambitious, and rumored to be somewhat precipitous in his actions. He is kin to the King of Catalonia and Aragon, both being descended from the gallant Jaime I, and thus he is arguably heir to Don Pedro's (197) vast lands should the latter die without issue.
