Plantagnet 47

PC ID #47

Starts with 65 fiefs

Speaks E2

Highest Title: 03 King of England , 03 King of Ireland

Overlordships: Buckingham , Cheshire , Cumberland , Cornwall , Dorsetshire , Guernsey , Hampshire ,Lincolnshire , London , Northampton , Nottingham , Northumberland , North Wales , Somerset , Staffordshire , South Wales , Yorkshire , Gascony , Guyenne , Leinster , Munster , Ulster


Economic Power Ranking: 199

Bio: Included under Who was Edward III

Coat of Arms: help0033.gif(actual)

Starting fiefs:

Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        Fief Code        Fief Name        

EAR02            Shrewsbury       EBK01            Hertford         EBK03            Watford          

ECG02            Cambridge        ECH03            Chester          ECU02            Carlisle         

ECU07            Kendal           ECW01            Bude             ECW02            Saltash          

ECW03            Meregissey       ECW04            Falmouth         ECW05            Penzance         

EDR02            Derby            EDR04            Leicester        EDU03            Hartlepol        

EDV03            Exeter           EEX01            Harwich          EGE01            Channel Isles    

EGL04            Gloucester       EGL06            Bristol          EHE03            Hereford         

EHE05            Monmouth         EHM02            Winchester       EHM04            Portmouth        

EHM05            Southampton      EKE03            Cantebury        ELA03            Lancaster        

ELA09            Bootle           ELC05            Lincoln          ELN01            London           

ENF04            Norwich          ENH03            Northampton      ENO02            Newark           

ENO04            Nottingham       ENW01            Anglesey         ENW06            Caernoven        

ENW10            Machynlleth      EOX03            Oxford           EPM01            St David's       

ESM01            Bath             ESM02            Weston-

ESR01 Croydon
Super-Mare ESW06 Cray ESW08 Cardiff ESW09 Swansea ESX01 Hastings ESY04 Salisbury EWK01 Coventry EYS04 Whitby EYS08 Scarborough EYS10 York EYS13 Market EYS15 Leeds EYS16 Bradford
Weighton FGA05 Maransin FGA07 Baiona FGU01 Marenne FGU07 St Emillion FGU09 Bordeaux FGU12 Graves FGU13 Bazas FGU15 Captieux RLI00 Leinster RMU00 Munster RUL00 Ulster

Notes: Edward III, by the Grace of God the King of England, is a noble fellow. His Grace is a large, fine looking man, who truly looks like a king. The king's grandmother and mother were both daughters of Kings of France (Philip III and Philip IV, respectively), from whence he may be said to have a claim on the throne of France.

Good King Edward began his reign in 1327, when he was only 15 years of age. In that year, at the instigation of his Royal Wife, King Edward II was deposed, imprisoned, and later slain by the evil Mortimer. For two years England suffered under the misrule of Queen Isabel and the evil Mortimer, as the young king was kept from power. Demonstrating great skill for one his age, King Edward slowly built an alliance among the most influential of the nobles and commons, and in 1329 ousted his mother from, and took the reigns of, government. Executing Mortimer and his principal supporters in interesting ways, the King exiled his mother to the confines of England, excluding her completely from government. From this it will be seen that the King is a true "Mighty Man" in matters political, diplomatic, governmental, and conspiratorial. Yet his is also the one of the foremost knights of the realm, a veritable Hector in the lists. Should war ever come to darken the peace of his reign, there can be no doubt but that King Edward will bring much glory to the realm.
